Anger Room
A anger room, also known as a smash room or rage room, is a business where people can vent their anger by destroying objects within a room.
"India’s first anger management cafe"
Destruction Therapy
Destruction Therapy is a technique that helps you release your anger at an appropriate time and place. Rage Rooms provide a safe, fun environment for anyone who’s experiencing very normal feelings of sadness, anxiety, depression, stress and anger to release these feelings acceptably

How does destruction therapy work?
The concept is also known as “DestructoTherapy.” How it works is you go into a safe, supervised room with a bunch of items you can smash. You put on protective gear from head to toe with a safety helmet, glasses, gloves, coveralls, etc. Then they hand you a weapon of choices such as a sledgehammer, bat, golf club, pipe, or any object that can destroy things. Once you’re geared up, you can let all your frustrations out as you break each inanimate objects. The entire experience aims to help you get in touch with your anger and release it appropriately.
Psychology of releasing anger appropriately?
According to Better Health, the long-term physical effects of uncontrolled or pent-up anger include increased anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches. Moreover, when you don’t let your anger out, it may turn into a toxic and destructive human emotion that not only harms you but others as well.
If expressed appropriately, anger becomes a positive and useful emotion. Having rage is a natural feeling that offers us invaluable information about ourselves, which should always be explored and dealt with reasonably. It’s recommended to adopt long-term strategies to manage anger, which often include regular exercise, learning techniques to release your anger appropriately and counseling.
Destruction Therapy is a technique that helps you release your anger at an appropriate time and place. Rage Rooms provide a safe, fun environment for anyone who’s experiencing very normal feelings of sadness, anxiety, depression, stress and anger to release these feelings acceptably.

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